Industry craft gold and silver in Bali has developed a long time, ie when ongoing era heyday Nusantara kingdoms of the earth, many centuries before the entry of the colonizers to the area ground water. Although culture make crafts gold and silver jewelry in Bali accounted very old, but the skills to make crafting gold and silver jewelry can be well preserved in the community because of the regeneration of the
worked well where the skill hereditary inherited from one generation to the next generation.
Maintaining the skills to make Bali handicraft jewelry is also not apart from the role of indigenous peoples in maintain the customs and culture hereditary societies. Therefore, jewelry crafts were widely used people of Bali as a specific customary upacaraupacara. Relations between handicraft-making skills jewelry with traditional solemnization course specific synergistic effect of mutually supporting efforts to conserve the cultural elements of that society.
Bali handicraft jewelry products also very unique and special. Therefore, handicraft products Balinese jewelry is much influenced by the nuances Balinese culture itself. Therefore, crafts gold and silver jewelry Bali is very easy distinguished jewelry handicraft products gold and silver from other regions in the country.

motifs of flora or fauna is plentiful the inspiration for the craftsmen and chisel
gold and silver jewelry in Bali.
One of the jewelry industry Bali is still able to survive is 'Jade's House of Jewelry' I belong to Nyoman Jabud located in the village Celuk and Singapadu, Gianyar, Bali.
Nyoman who was born in Singapadu years 1942 actually came from peasant families.
Small Nyoman started learning about the industry craft jewelry Bali in 1955
by working at a jewelry store owned by one others in Celuk. Nyoman quickly mastered
techniques of making gold and silver jewelry, and in 1958 was believed to be
builders as well as employees at a jewelry store.

used to buy more raw materials.
Although only rely ability of working capital itself, but the activities Nyoman business can continue to grow. This It happened because the gold / silver Nyoman has produced quality and power high tensile for the consumer. No surprising if in time
relatively short gold jewelry craft business Nyoman continue to grow bigger. In
in 1985, Nyoman add a gallery gold jewelry by opening galleries in Celuk. Thus, now two galleries gold jewelry owned by Nyoman. In Nyoman overall now has 20 people
builders gold jewelry maker who each day working in their homes and Store employees 10 people.

Until now Nyoman been successfully create hundreds of designs and motifs. Some
designs / motifs were given names such as Barong, Boma, Briny Liman, Kembang Gondo, Bun Puggel and others. Motive of the most widely usually used florals, bninatang
and other vegetation. According to Nyoman, in the 1990s gold jewelry industry in Bali had boom. At that time, Nyoman a carpenter making jewelry until 75 people considering the number of orders jewelry making gold / silver. When it Nyoman monthly capable of processing 50 kg 10 kg of silver and gold into various types jewelry is very beautiful and interesting.
But unfortunately in 1997 an order gold jewelry again started quiet in line with the economic crisis then. Consumption of silver and gold as jewelry-making raw materials had declined the remaining 5 kg 1 kg of silver and gold each month. This was because, in addition to the volume orders declined, as well as prices of materials gold and silver standard which continues skyrocketed to difficult to reach the consumer.
Nyoman admitted his condition is now very different from the era of the 1990s.
Because, in addition to the growing economic situation difficult, also now has a lot of new competitors emerging. However, in the middle a difficult situation today, Nyoman remain continue to strive to produce work karaya art work in gold and silver jewelry best. May the works of art that can be continue to be maintained to be protected from extinction.
Kahyangan House of Jewelry
Jl. Raya Celuk No. 8X, Gianyar, Bali, P.O. Box 3049, Denpasar 80030
Telp. +62 361 298040, Fax. +62 361 298041
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